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Make a Spectacular Comeback in the J1 Promo Exams
Learn to apply your Economics knowledge into answering Essay and Case Study Questions. We teach you the structure and framework to craft coherent answers that hit marking requirements so you hit 'L3' consistently.
Pick up the skills and techniques that help you score in exams so you jump 2 grades or more in the year end Economics promotional exam!

JC2 Economics - A level Final Sprint Program
(Achieve the Distinction You Deserve)
We consolidate your knowledge across J1 and J2, so you know what is essential in the A levels.
Gain exposure to must-know A level questions, learn the strategies and tricks to tackle them and sharpen the techniques to breeze through the A levels.
Get all the resources you need for revision - condensed notes, model essays, model csq, model TYS answers, mindmaps, cheatsheets, and more.
The one stop solution to excel in A level Economics!