Exam Centric Economics Tuition: Designed to pull up your grades in the shortest amount of time.
Concept Application & Exam Techniques to Help You Achieve Distinction in the A levels
Proven Track Record of 70% Distinction Since 2010!
Receive Detailed Model Essays and Model Answers to an Extensive Range of Exam-Type Questions
Gain Access to our Online Library of Bite-sized Content Videos that allows you to clarify your doubts anywhere, anytime.
Learn Useful Exam Tips and Answering Techniques to Tackle Essays and Case Studies in a Systematic Manner
Homework Support through Whatsapp Consultations Beyond Classroom Hours
We Consolidate the Essential Economics Concepts
(And tell you what to study and what to memorize)
Receive Personalized Feedback and Improvement Tips Specific to You
They (Online Lessons) feel very similar to face-to-face lessons and typing answers is also more efficient without the concern of illegibility.
- E. Chew, DHS
Maximize Class Time Learning the Exam Skills that Matter

Essay Writing Techniques
(For Students Taking H2 Economics)
Case Study Strategies
(For Students Taking H1 and H2 Economics)
When you attend Economics Tuition at Ace Clinic Education, we make sure you pick up the necessary skills needed to do well in the Promotional exams and A levels.
Whether you are taking H1 or H2 Economics, we equip you with the answering techniques and structure to approach different types of questions.
This includes:
1) Question Analysis
2) Identifying Question Requirements (based on marks allocation)
3) Point Selection (from the many concepts in the JC Economics syllabus)
4) How to Elaborate and Explain your points
5) How to annotate and extract key points (for Case Study Questions)
6) What keywords, phrases and diagrams to include
7) How to write high impact evaluations
The Same High Quality Resources as Students Who Attend Tuition Onsite

Model Essays

Exam Cheatsheets

Model CSQ Answers

Topical Mindmaps
An Unbeatable Resource Library for Exam Preparation
All students who attend Economics Tuition at Ace Clinic Education, get access to a comprehensive range of resources.
These materials not only streamline your learning but also help in revision for the promo and A level exams.
From Model Essays and Model CSQ answers to Exam Cheatsheets, you will have everything needed to excel and do well in the Economics Exams.
Access to Class Recordings for All Lessons

Never Worry About Missing Anything Important!
Missed a class due to other commitments? Want to check back on something taught during class?
We got you covered.
All our Classes are recorded and you get full access to these recordings after every lesson. Rewatch these lessons at your own time and pace, whenever you want to.
(Or Simply Whatsapp us at 9155 5433)

Terence graduated from the London School of Economics & Political Science with First Class Honors (BSc. Economics)
Having tutored Economics (A'Levels, IB, IGCSE, AP, University) for more than 10 years, our classes deliver essential "must-knows" with your convenience in mind. From tips and tricks to master content more quickly and model answers to tackles marking requirements head on, find everything you might need to achieve your distinction in the A levels - over mobile, tablet or PC.
Some Google Reviews on Economics Tuition with Terence

"Terence is an amazing teacher... Clear in his explanations... Good exam tips that really do work..."
- A. Cheng (From S to A)

"Terence is a great teacher... Managed to understand concepts alot better and apply them"
- E. Seah (A for A levels)
Our Online Economics Classes At A Glance
Skills You Learn
1. Structure and Flow to write structured and coherent essays
2. Know which graphs and diagrams to draw
3. Apply theoretical concepts into exam questions and elaborate with key definitions, phrases and keywords
4. Perform Question Analysis, Dissect Questions, Identify Marking Requirements and construct answers that award the marks
5. Strategic time management to finish the exam paper within time limit
6. Proven answering techniques to approach Case Study Questions (CSQ) and Essays
What You Get
1. Quality notes and Condensed Materials that are ideal for revision and test preparation
2. Exposure to trending exam questions and tricky "curve-ball" questions
3. Model Essays & Model CSQ Answers to Every Topic - To guide you on what a Model Answer should look like.
4. Model answers to Ten Year Series (TYS)
5. Personalized Feedback and Improvement Tips Tailored Specially for You
6. Whatsapp Support and 1 to 1 Consultations
7. Access to all lesson recordings for easy revision
More flexibility in terms of lesson content, less physically demanding and more productive.
- Rach, NYJC

2021 A level Students Share their Thoughts about JC Economics Classes at Ace Clinic Education
Hear what the Previous Batches have to say about Classes with Terence.
"The Model Essays... You really cannot find it anywhere else" - Rachelle, NYJC
"Like you know me.. I didn't even use any of my school's notes." - Sarah, ACJC
"I like how you broke up the question, identify keywords and the methods and ways to answer these questions. I really learnt how to use concepts to answer these questions properly"
- Annamalai, RI
"The lesson curriculum.. it was no nonsense and straight to the point" - Jasmine, TJC

Complement your Learning with our Exclusive Library of Exam-Centric Content
Students get access to an online content platform that is accessible anytime, anywhere. On Demand.
Gain access to a full suite of bite-sized explanatory videos on:
Model Essays to Ten Year Series
Key Economics Concepts
Exam-Centric Content

Hear from the 2019 Econs Students
"Terence is a real life-saver" - Jiarong, VJC
"S to A in 3 short months! Thank you!"
- Shaun, ACJC
"The consistency in class made CSQs and Essay writing like second nature to me"
- Dillen, CJC
Some Positive Reviews About Our Online Content Platform

Clarify your doubts anytime, anywhere, on demand.
On top of weekly online LIVE classes, you will receive FULL ACCESS to our entire library of Economics content videos. These videos allow you to look up on concepts, or read through model answers for revise and recap on what was covered in class. Supercharge your studying efforts "Netflix-Style"!
He (Terence) has this ability to simplify complex concepts to make it easier to understand.
- Samuel, RJC
Want a clear formula in tackling Essays and CSQs
Want to learn useful exam tips and answering techniques to achieve distinction
Want to understand and recap and know how the key Economics concepts can be applied to answer questions
Want to improve on their Econs grades in the shortest time