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JC Economics:

June Crashcourses

Online J2 Economics Crashcourses
Online J2 Economics Crashcourses

Acquire the Skills and Resources to tackle Essay and CSQ in the upcoming Mid Year Exams.

Pick Up Essay & CSQ Techniques to Steer Your Revision in the Right Direction

J2 Economics Essay Techniques CSQ Strategies

We Tell You What to Study and How to Do It So You Don't Waste Time Memorizing the 'Wrong Things'

Many students make the mistake of spending too much on their lecture notes trying to memorize entire chunks of information.​


In our June workshops, we take you through question types across the topics and show you how to tackle exam questions using a structured framework.


We show you what is required to craft 'exam-grade' answers so you know how to revise and do practices effectively 


Build familiarity with different question types and receive Condensed Notes, Model Answers and Outlines which you can use for revision (up till the A levels)!

JC Econs Crashcourses June 2024

Download the June Econs Crashcourses Info Pack

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For the J1 H2 Students

Consolidate What You Learnt in Term 1 & 2:

Learn Essential Techniques on how to to Apply Your Knowledge in Essay and Case Study Questions.

Microeconomics Crashcourse

- Attend according to your school's topic sequence

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Microeconomics Crashcourse

Essay & CSQ Skills

For J1 H2 Students

Attend based on your school's topic sequence

Track #1:

Free Market + Firms & Market Structure


Available Dates:

4th June, 10am to 230pm

18th June, 10am to 230pm

Track #2:

Free Market + Market Failure


Available Dates:

5th June, 10am to 230pm

19th June, 10am to 230pm


Location: Onsite at Bukit Timah Branch

For the J2 H2 Students

Kickstart Preparations for the Mid Years, Prelims & A levels:

Sharpen your skills and learn to write Essay and Case Study Answers that meet marking requirements consistently.

Macroeconomics Crashcourse

- Separate Class for Essay & CSQ

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Essay Crashcourse

For J2 H2 Students

Available Dates:

6th June, 10am to 230pm

20th June, 10am to 230pm


Location: Onsite at Bukit Timah Branch

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CSQ Crashcourse

For J2 H2 Students

Available Dates:

7th June, 10am to 230pm

21st June, 10am to 230pm


Location: Onsite at Bukit Timah Branch

Online Learning J2 Economics Crashcourse

Acquire the Skills to Craft 'L3' Answers that Meet Marking Requirements

In these Economics Crashcourses, we take you through different types of questions that you might see in the exam. Build familiarity with how you are tested for Macroeconomics and pick up techniques to apply in the Essay and CSQ.

You will learn a structured answering process - including question analysis, how to identify marking requirements, select the right points, draw suitable diagrams, include keywords and phrases - all while expressing your answer with a clear structure and flow.

Learn Exam Tips and Answering Techniques

Receive Model Answers and Outlines to every question, that will help you revise the techniques taught in class.

You also get Whatsapp Support from Terence beyond class, to clarify any doubts you might have!

J2 Economics Bridge the Gap Between Theory and Application

What You can Expect from These Crashcourses

Write Fluent and Coherent Economics Answers

Acquire the Skills to Craft Coherent Answers that Meet Marking Requirements

Extensive Exposure to Economics Questions

Comprehensive Exposure to Various

Question Types

'Being Prepared' mean you are aware and ready for the different ways which you can be tested.

In these crashcourses, we have prepared a range of questions from each topic, to get you acquainted with what to expect in the exams.

This includes 'curve-ball' questions and 'hybrid' questions that are a cross-mix between topics. Receive model answers and outlines too, so you can revise efficiently after the crashcourse!

J2 Economics Skills and Strategies

Techniques & Strategies You Can Apply in the Exams

For every question, we will take you through the structure of what a Model Answer looks like. You will learn the process of dissecting question requirements, thinking critically, identifying key concepts and framing answers in a way that awards you the marks.

Discover the common pitfalls and learn to write coherent answers within the time limit.

Best part of it all, this framework can be applied to across the question types!

Skip the Uncertainty of Fumbling in the Dark

See your JC Economics Grades Soars!

We understand how it feels to spend numerous hours studying and doing practices, only to score below expectations.

The sad truth is that, you could be focusing on the wrong areas or are unaware of glaring mistakes made in your answers.

That's the main objective of these holiday crashcourses.

They will point you in the right direction and give you a definite path on how to revise and sharpen the skills needed for the Exams. 

Hear It From Students Who Attended Classes

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"The amount of skills being taught in that 3+hrs far exceeds what i could have learn in my school"


"Thank you for the really useful teachable and holiday intensive... and also ur patience in answering my questions"


"Your teaching skills really helped me through my struggle in h2 econs..."


"asked my classmate to join and she said it feels more useful than the tuition's she's attending"


"I like how you mention which points are important and how to pick a nice range of points"


"Past two classes have been good & helpful... the videos are even better (than school's)


"The teachables are really god-sent.. depended on it to clear off misconceptions when unsure of concepts"


"Your version of concise notes was really helpful. The school notes just cram everything into paragraphs and prose, it's rlly hard to identify key points and concepts"


"Your style of teaching is very comprehensive and easy to understand."


"Found the summary of the topic really helpful... made me more aware of some of my conceptual mistakes"


"Explanations were detailed.. so this was definitely a fruitful experience!"


"Better than I expected. I am better able to unpack and answer the questions"

As Featured on The News..

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As Featured on Channel 8
Economics Classes Featured on Channel 8
Economics Classes Featured on Channel 8

Terence, the Founder and Head Econs at Ace Clinic Education, will be conducting all Essay & CSQ Crashcourses.

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Terence graduated from the London School of Economics & Political Science with First Class Honors (BSc. Economics)

Having tutored Economics (A'Levels, IB, IGCSE, AP, University) for more than 10 years, our classes deliver essential "must-knows" along with exam tips to make your learning as effective as possible. From tricks and shortcuts to master content more quickly and model answers to tackles marking requirements head on, find everything you might need to achieve your distinction in the A levels or Promos. Our classes are now accessible via livestream on the Zoom app, which is compatible with mobile, tablet or PC.

"I found it (the classes) easy to understand, concise and helpful"

- Nicholas, RI

2020 Students Share their ACE Econs Experience

2020 Students Share their ACE Econs Experience

Play Video

Hear what the Previous Batches have to say about Classes with Terence.

 "I started to adopt the technique of writing the question first and thinking of possible points before I read the case study" -  Liyana, RI
"You gave me a structure, model answers and concrete exam skills which can be applied""
- Shamel, RI
""The model answers are useful. They tell me how I can structure my answer and how i can answer, especially for the difficult questions."
- Yeling, JPJC
Hear from the 2019 Econs Students

Hear from the 2019 Econs Students

Play Video
"Terence is a real life-saver" - Jiarong, VJC
"S to A in 3 short months! Thank you!"
- Shaun, ACJC
"The consistency in class made CSQs and Essay writing like second nature to me"
- Dillen, CJC

Students Left Google Reviews Too.

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Erin Seah_Get A_2.PNG
Charmaine Tan_Get A.PNG
Yucheng Wang_Get A_5.PNG

and many more..

Read more Reviews here.

You can also share a review using this link below

Make Good Use of the June Holidays

Consolidate your learning over term 1 & 2, sharpen exam skills, eradicate misconceptions and give your exam preparation a boost with our Essay and CSQ Crashcourses. Equip yourself with the skills and question exposure to breeze through the mid year exams with confidence.

Register for Economics Crashcourses Here

We will reach out asap to confirm your spot and answer all questions.

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J2 March Crashcourse Registration

© 2023 BY THE ACE ACADEMY.   |   267A Upper Thomson Road, Singapore 574394   |   140 Upper Bukit Timah Road, #02-03, Singapore 588176

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