Didn't do well for the J1 Economics Promotional Exams?
Hit The Reset Button & See Your Grades Soar

J2 Economics Headstart - For students Going on to JC2 in 2024

"Streamline Your Learning: Brush up on the Techniques, Structure and Framework for Essay & CSQ, to Embark J2 on Solid Footing"
Or Download the Complete Info Pack Here.
You Didn't do too well in the J1 Promo Exam

You know the Economics concepts but not sure what to write in the exam questions

You wrote the right points but did not have the keywords or exact phrases to demonstrate "rigor"

You wrote many pages of content but little or no marks were not awarded for your answer.
Our J2 Econs Headstart Classes will Equip You with the Skills and Knowledge to Overcome these Problems before Embarking on J2.
When you attend our Holiday Headstart classes, we streamline the learning process for you.
We will tell you what content is important, and how they are applied in Essay and Case Study Questions. We will tell you which definitions to memorize and what phrases are needed in your answers. Through exposure to various question styles, you will learn the framework to dissect questions, identify marking requirements and write coherent answers that hit L3 consistently.
Crashcourses Targeting
Essay & Case Study Questions
The Step by Step Techniques, Answering Structure and Writing Framework that You Need to Tackle Essay & CSQ

H2 Economics
Essay Workshop - For J2 students (2024)
Dates (Attend either 1):
i) 29 Nov, 10am to 3pm
ii) 6 Dec, 10am to 3pm
iii) 13 Dec, 10am to 3pm

H2 Economics
CSQ Workshop - For J2 students (2024)
Dates (Attend either 1):
i) 30 Nov, 10am to 3pm
ii) 7 Dec, 10am to 3pm
iii) 14 Dec, 10am to 3pm
We Will Revise All J1 Topics, According to Your School's Syllabus
For most students, this includes Free Market (Demand & Supply, Government Intervention, Elasticity), Market Failure and Market Structure.
For schools such as VJC, CJC, NYJC, we will cover Macroeconomics as well.
In short, you get exposure to questions across all J1 topics, to recap key answering techniques and exam strategies, to start J2 with renewed vigor.
Discover an Effective & Consistent Way to Approach Economics Questions

We know that the learning curve for Econs is steep. Also, holiday time is precious and you deserve a break after a hectic year in J1.
Which is why, we have designed the Headstart Program to be exam-centric and straight to the point.
Learn the most essential strategies and answering techniques, that have been tested and proven through countless batches of students since 2010. From dissecting question requirements to writing evaluations, we will teach you the framework to deal with all question types thrown your way.
Available Online Or Onsite

Attend ONSITE at 2 Convenient Locations or ONLINE via Zoom

Location #1: Thomson Ridge

Location #2: Beauty World Plaza

Whatsapp Support Beyond Class

Got a question while revising? Confused over a specific explanation?
Get Whatsapp Support beyond the workshops!
Keen to Attend But Worried That You Cannot Make it?
Fret Not.

Get Access to Class Recording and Watch At Your Own Time.
We know that last minute commitments that crop up unexpectedly.
If you cannot make it for some reason, we provide access to the lesson recording to watch and catch up at your own time and convenience.
Simply Whatsapp Terence with any questions you have, to clarify doubts on the go.
I found myself able to answer questions much faster and in a concise manner due to his emphasis on economical, succinct answering techniques.
- J. Matthew, ACJC
Hear It From Students Who Attended Classes

"The amount of skills being taught in that 3+hrs far exceeds what i could have learn in my school"
"Thank you for the really useful teachable and holiday intensive... and also ur patience in answering my questions"
"Your teaching skills really helped me through my struggle in h2 econs..."
"asked my classmate to join and she said it feels more useful than the tuition's she's attending"
"I like how you mention which points are important and how to pick a nice range of points"
"Past two classes have been good & helpful... the videos are even better (than school's)
"The teachables are really god-sent.. depended on it to clear off misconceptions when unsure of concepts"
"Your version of concise notes was really helpful. The school notes just cram everything into paragraphs and prose, it's rlly hard to identify key points and concepts"
"Your style of teaching is very comprehensive and easy to understand."
"Found the summary of the topic really helpful... made me more aware of some of my conceptual mistakes"
"Explanations were detailed.. so this was definitely a fruitful experience!"
"Better than I expected. I am better able to unpack and answer the questions"

The Headstart You Need to Turn Your Grades Around.
Build a Solid Foundation to See Your Grades Soar in Year 2.

Day 1:
Essay Masterclass
Learn key answering techniques
Gain exposure to commonly tested exam questions and styles
Get model essays and detailed question analysis that teaches you how to score As for the most commonly tested questions and content.
Day 2:
CSQ Masterclass
Learn key answering techniques
Gain exposure to commonly tested exam questions and styles
Get model answers and detailed analysis of what each question is asking for, so you can score marks consistently for varying types of questions.

Content Application
Knowing the concepts is good, but what really matters is your ability to apply them in answering questions.
Bridge the knowledge gap to know what's truly important for each topic. Memorize the essentials and learn how to use them in the exams.
Through real life examples and colorful illustrations, you will learn to see Econs concepts with perfect clarity.

Exam Skills & Strategies
There are strategies and techniques involved in answering exam questions.
Through a Step-by-Step approach, we guide you the analysis and thought process to write exam-grade answers.
Learn replicable skills that will help you marking requirements for both Essays and CSQs, no matter what questions are thrown at you.

Fast Tracked for the A Levels
These classes are the first step to scoring that distinction in the A levels.
Questions are strategically chosen to give you exposure to different ways you can tested in the exams.
The skills and techniques taught will also be applicable for the A levels, so you get prepared earlier and avoid the stress of the "last minute rush".
Extensive In-House Materials for Reference & Revision Beyond Class

Model Essays and CSQ Answers tell you what is expected when you are answering Essay and Case study questions. All materials are crafted in-house by Terence, the Head Econs Tutor at The Ace Academy.
The model answers and condensed notes will help you recap what was taught in class and are extremely useful when you revise for the A level exams in 2024.

Terence graduated from the London School of Economics & Political Science with First Class Honors (BSc. Economics)
Having tutored Economics (A'Levels, IB, IGCSE, AP, University) for more than 12 years, Terence extracts the most essential "must-knows" to simplify the learning process. From tips and tricks to master content more quickly and model answers to tackles marking requirements head on, find everything you might need to achieve your distinction in the A levels - over mobile, tablet, PC or live classes.
As Featured on The News..

Terence, the Founder and Head Econs at The Ace Academy, will be conducting all Headstart Classes.
Terence was wonderful and patiently answered all my questions despite my constant confusion!! I gained confidence and grew to like the subject
- C. Tan, ACJC

2020 Students Share their ACE Econs Experience
Hear what the Previous Batch have to say about Classes with Terence.
"I started to adopt the technique of writing the question first and thinking of possible points before I read the case study" - Liyana, RI
"You gave me a structure, model answers and concrete exam skills which can be applied""
- Shamel, RI
""The model answers are useful. They tell me how I can structure my answer and how i can answer, especially for the difficult questions."
- Yeling, JPJC
"Do What We Ask of You, and See Your Grades Soar"
There is more than enough time to catch up even if you did not fare well in the promotional exams.
These Headstart classes will provide you with a clear structure and direction to learn Economics, so you can start 2024 with renewed confidence.
Don't get us wrong, you will still need to put in consistent efforts to practice during the holidays.
That being said, we will equip you with clear methods to study, and key strategies you can apply in subsequent exams, to level up your performance.
⬇️ Register for J2 Headstart Program Below. ⬇️
Sign Up For J2 Headstart Classes Here
We will reach out to you as soon as we can.