JC Economics l J1 Economics Headstart l Download Starter Kit
Considering to take JC Economics?
(Incoming J1 students of 2024)
This "Introductory Kit" Will Get You Started.
Economics as a brand new subject, can be both rewarding and daunting.
To break the veil of unfamiliarity, we put together this Starter Kit to give you an idea of what JC Economics is like.
In it, you get an introduction to Economics Concepts through bite-sized videos, Model Essays that show you what is expected in the Exams, and a webinar that breaks down the strategies to excel in JC Economics.
Fill in the form below to get the kit sent to your email.
What's In The Starter Kit?

Learn fundamental Economics Concepts through bite-sized videos, with unlimited access to our online learning platform.
Includes Economics Concepts for ALL J1 & J2 topics!

Full length Model Essays that give you an idea of how JC Economics is tested.
These Model Essays will double up as revision material when you sit for the A levels in 2025!

An introductory webinar by Terence, founder and head Economics tutor at The Ace Academy.
Discover what JC Economics is all about, and strategies to kickstart your Economics journey on solid footing.
Personally Crafted by Terence,
Founder & Head Economics Tutor at The Ace Academy
As Featured on The News..

Take Things to the Next Level..
With Our J1 Economics Headstart Program
2 Day Workshop to Kickstart Your Economics Journey on Solid Footing

Day 1: The Grand Tour
An Introduction to JC Economics, where we explore economic principles using real-life examples and engaging case studies.
By understanding the key processes and mechanisms that drive Economics, students will gain an appreciation of their influence in our lives. These practical instances also serve as vital tools for crafting impeccable economic essays, ensuring a comprehensive grasp of the subject's essence.
4 Dates to Choose From:
1) 27th November 2023, 10am to 130pm
2) 4th December 2023, 10am to 130pm
3) 11th December 2023, 10am to 130pm

Day 2: The Engine Room
Get acquainted with fundamental Economic Theories that are essential to understanding JC Economics.
Discover the key examination styles of JC Economics and how concepts are applied in essays and case study questions. You will also learn answering techniques to excel in all the exams, up till the A levels!
4 Dates to Choose From:
1) 28th November 2023, 10am to 130pm
2) 5th December 2023, 10am to 130pm
3) 12th December 2023, 10am to 130pm
All Headstart Classes are Taught By Terence,
Founder and Head Economics Tutor at The Ace Academy.

"Terence is an Ex-Rafflesian (RI/RJC) who graduated LSE (London School of Economics) with First Class Honors"

Having tutored Economics (A'Levels, IB, IGCSE, AP, University) for more than 12 years, Terence extracts the most essential "must-knows" to simplify the learning process. From tips and tricks to master content more quickly and model answers to tackles marking requirements head on, find everything you might need to achieve your distinction in the A levels - over mobile, tablet, PC or live classes.
Hear from an Ex-Student,
Who Was Also The Arts Valedictorian of CJC
"How Joining The Headstart Program Positively Impacted His Economics Journey up till the A Levels"
"I topped my class for most of the tests"
"Econs was my favorite subject in JC because I started off on a strong foot"
"I became more confident doing Econs questions and it was a positive snowball effect"
"The fact that I had a lot of additional knowledge, the fact that I could answer questions, really helped"
"I can ask a lot more questions (in Terence's class) and it not only helps in understanding content, but also answer (test) questions"
- Dillen, CJC