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The Ace Academy Economics
The Specialist in A levels / IB Economics Tuition

The Smarter Way to Conquer A Level Economics

The Ace Academy (ACE Economics) is the leading JC Economics Tuition Centre in Singapore, that specializes in H1 and H2 Economics. Founded by Top Economics Tutor Terence Ang, you can expect in-house resources and extensive support to breeze through the Promo and A level Exams.
Since 2016, we have maintained a 90% rate of A/Bs yearly (well above the national average)

Raffles Instituition (RI/RJC)
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

"Terence is an Ex-Rafflesian (RI/RJC) who graduated LSE (London School of Economics) with First Class Honors"

⬇️ Watch this Video to Hear What Students Have to Say About Economics Tuition at ACE. ⬇️

Student Testimonials (Economics)

Student Testimonials (Economics)

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A level Economics - Testimonial

"From a Meagre S to an A (In only 3 months)!"
- S. Lew, ACJC

A level Economics - Testimonial

"Extremely detailed answer scripts and exam tips.. My Grades went from U to a B."
- S.W Han, RI

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Considering JC Economics Classes?

Download Our JC Economics Info Pack

Download 2022 Econs Class Info Pack

We Pride Ourselves On Our Unbeatable Resource Library.
And We Thought You Might Find This Useful.

Here's a Complimentary Model Essay Pack to the 2021 A level Questions

Download Model Essay Pack.png

Get Full Length Model Answers to A level Economics TYS - 2021 Essay Questions

This is a teaser of the depth of resources you get for JC Economics as a student of The Ace Academy. All Notes, Model Essays, Model Answers and Learning Videos are crafted by Terence, Head Economics Tutor and Founder of Ace Academy Economics.

Early Start, Big Impact:
2024 JC Economics Classes Have Started

JC Economics Headstart Class

J1 Economics Headstart:
For New J1 Students Considering Economics in 2024

"Is it difficult to do well in JC Economics?"

"Does Economics involve a lot of memorization?"

"Is it worth it to take Economics in JC?"

If you are contemplating whether to take JC Economics, you can empower an informed decision with our J1 Economics Headstart Crashcourse.

Find out what JC Economics is about, learn fundamental economics theories, discover the various exam styles and understand what it takes to excel from Year 1. 


Start Your JC Economics journey on the front foot to do well consistently over your 2 years in JC!

J2 Economics Headstart Class

J2 Economics Headstart:
Acquire Essential Techniques to Essay and CSQ, to see your grades soar in 2024 

Didn't Do Well in the J1 Econs Promo Exam?

Maybe you didn't know the structure to craft L3 Essays, or never knew how to tackle CSQ.


Acquire the skills and techniques to approach questions systematically in our Year End Crashcourses. From Question analysis to point selection and evaluation writing, we take you through the step by step process to tackle any question thrown your way.

Make use of the year end holidays to turn your grades around in J2!

3x Econs Program v2.jpg

Lesser Effort, 3X the Results

Extreme Efficiency

#1: eXam Readiness

Our Economics program is tailored to ensure you are fully prepared for your exams. All examinable topics are covered, with in-depth analysis of key concepts and their applications to exam questions. Through a structured curriculum, we teach you the skills to produce coherent answers that meet marking requirements head on.

Extensive Resources - Economics

#2: Xtensive Resources

Get Annotated Materials for each lesson, with Condensed Notes Summarizing every topic, and Model Answers to fuel your revision.
With 100+ Model Essays & CSQ Answers, Full Length solutions to the TYS and 24/7 Access to our Online Learning Platform, you have everything needed for exam revision. Receive Recordings to every class so you can look back to revise any time you want!

Economics Tuition - Extra Support

#3: Xtreme Support

We believe in ongoing support right up till the A level Economics Exam. Get Direct Whatsapp to Terence, guidance on homework & practices, post exam evaluations and 1 to 1 consultations.
You can also login to our Teachable platform for bite-sized explanation videos on the go!

We Dedicate Lesson Time to Plug Your Skills & Knowledge Gap 

Step by Step Process to Analyze and Tackle Essay Questions

Structured Framework to Break Down & Answer Case Study Questions

Acquire the Skills and Techniques to Score in the Exams

More often than not, you already know your economics concepts from school. The gap lies in applying this knowledge to meet marking requirements. This is the main reason why students struggle with JC Economics. In class, we take you through different types of questions to demonstrate the correct process to analyze, plan and craft L3 answers. We drill you to tackle questions with confidence and consistency so you are fully prepared for any challenges thrown your way. 

A World of Resource Privileges for A level Economics

Economics Model Essays for Every Topic

Model Essays

Economics Exam Cheatsheets

Exam Cheatsheets

Model CSQ Answers for Every Topic

Model CSQ Answers

JC Economics Mindmaps

Topical Mindmaps

The Best Materials For A level Economics

1. Get an extensive range of Economics materials on a weekly basis, to help you understand Econs concepts and apply them to write exam-grade answers. These materials are crafted to follow our structured program and bring you all the way past the promos/A levels.

This includes Model Essays, Model CSQ Answers, Exam Cheatsheets, Mindmaps and more. Students who join us on our Economics Program will receive more than 1000 pages of materials across the various segments!

Economics Online Learning Platform

Build a Solid Content Foundation with our Online learning Platform, Available 24/7

2. Gain access to 180+ compact videos that break down complex concepts into easily digestible pieces. With the help of real-life examples and colorful illustrations, we will help you internalize key concepts, and recognize how to apply them to exam questions.

All videos, Model essays, Mindmaps and Definitions lists are available to students through Teachable - our Econs Online Platform.

Take a sneak peek into our concept video on:
"Price Elasticity of Demand"

Video 6: Price Elasticity Of Demand

Video 6: Price Elasticity Of Demand

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Access our platform via Web or Mobile Application.. on the go.

From model essays, mindmaps to concept videos, our online content platform is your ultimate revision partner. Accessible across devices from anywhere, learning can truly be, on demand.

Simply Follow Our Plan to Score Distinction in A level Economics

We equip you with the skills, resources and support to do well in the A levels.

Read the notes given, do your practices and work on the areas we ask you to.. and you will score!

We have classes for J1 and J2 students, taking H1 or H2 Economics. Click here for more information on our classes.



Considering Economics Class?

Attend a Trial Lesson at 50% Off

Applicable to ALL new students.

Contact Us

Terence @ 8328 8700

Our Philosophy

Our Teaching Philosophy

Our Teaching Philosophy

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Read What Happy Clients Say

Terence is a very dedicated teacher who increased my confidence in tackling various types of Economics questions due to his really systematic approach. He would expose us to various essays and case study questions and teach us how to dissect and analyse the questions, structure our responses and contextualise them to answer the questions. His concise notes greatly aid me in consolidating all of my content nearing A levels. He is also always there to clarify any doubts we have, even outside of class time. I was struggling with Econs before I joined the class in August of JC2 but thanks to Terence, my Econs improved tremendously within a short period of time!

Fabrianne E. | RJC | Grade: A | 2019

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Waitlist Now and Get 10% Off When You Sign Up! 

Don't Feel Like Spending Hundreds on Tuition?
Subscribe to our Online Content Platform for Model Essays of Ten Year Series Questions and Short Content Videos to aid your revision at just $10/month. 
Cancel Anytime! 

Click Here to View the Terms & Conditions of Our Economics Classes

© 2023 BY THE ACE ACADEMY.   |   267A Upper Thomson Road, Singapore 574394   |   140 Upper Bukit Timah Road, #02-03, Singapore 588176

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